Andor: That Would Be Me (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Just great..
25 September 2022
I honestly didn't expect alot from this series, i thought this was going to be the worst SW series yet, but damn this is getting kinda good. First 2 episodes are just build-up for episode 3, which they are great in doing so. Easily introducing new and likeable, but also some people you feel kind of sad for (Karn, because of his awfull speech). Something that is really fresh aswell is the 'personalizing' (in a sense of not only showing the heroes) of the empire. But honestly the thing i was astonished by most was the entire feeling of this show, even though it doesn't really feel like Star Wars, it's still is AMAZING. This is the first SW series that feels entirely fresh, it completely differs from the rest because of the darker/grittier setting, but also because of the realism in dialogue and acting. I do however can understand the criticism about the pace, it can be kind of slow. I do think even though not alot happend this episode except build-up it still felt amazing And for the last bit, i feel like non SW fans could really enjoy this series aswell, no Jedi, no the Force, it's a series that is just coincidentally going on inside of the SW universe. So, i could really recommend this, but just one thing, don't give up because these 2 are slow, episode 3 is really worth your time if you didn't like this one.
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