Killer Party (1986)
Almost interesting
5 October 2022
Somewhere along the line, somebody had a great idea: "What if slasher movie, but the killer is a possessed girl?" It's a trashy idea, I'll grant you, but a great one. Regan spends most of The Exorcist tied to the bed, but what if she had an whole sorority to massacre? The last twenty minutes of Killer Party show you what that might look like. Witness the demon-coed climb up walls, blow out windows, and crash through the ceiling to get to her prey. How neat.

Unfortunately, that leaves you with a little over an hour of film in which nothing particularly interesting happens. The screenwriters were so bereft of an idea for the first two acts that they relied on all the old standbys--prolonged practical jokes, sexual tension that goes nowhere, and not one but two fake-out openers--both of which have the potential to be more interesting than the story at hand. Has anyone ever done an entire movie of fake-out openers?

The movie is well-shot, though. It looks better than most slashers of the era. And the image of a killer in an old-timey diving suit is potent.
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