Fantastic mini series
13 October 2022
Loved everything about this show: the acting, the directing with original features normally unseen in drama (Matrix style falling down scenes when the character is being given a bad news). It started tad slow but I got hooked from the second episode. You really wonder "who done it" until the end, it kept me at the edge of a seat. I liked the main actor who showed he can really pivot from a government assassin in a Homeland series, into a polished British politician.

It was also refreshing to see a court drama that is not American with such a different, well mannered style of throwing arguments in a court. Everyone is so well-mannered, even when they swear which is something else. Gotta love those scenes when the prosecution and defence both come back to chill out into the same room, joking around, only to be mortal enemies minutes later on the courtroom floor. It's a solid TV with a good crime story, worth to binge.
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