15 October 2022
This is pretty much exactly the same as The Banana Splits Movie from a few years ago, except that Nicolas Cage is in it. Don't misunderstand me: having Nicolas Cage in your movie isn't nothing, and he brings his typical committed schtick to Willy's Wonderland, but whenever he's not onscreen, the movie lapses into absolute tedium. The teenage supporting cast is boring and dumb and the movie tries for that same "bad but self-aware" humor of the Sharknado franchise, which is just tiring. Even a movie that's less than 90 minutes long can feel dull when you're just falling into a pattern: clean, fight monster, play pinball, supporting character dies gruesomely, repeat. The cinematography aspires to dreampop artsiness with bright colors and prominent lens flare, but unfortunately it just looks kind of cheap; like somebody ran prosumer camcorder footage through a few Instagram filters. The music is kind of okay, I guess. Clearly the movie is just aimed at preteens who love Five Nights at Freddy's and want to feel more "adult" by watching a movie with swearing and sex (but no nudity) and gore.

If somebody makes a 40-minute edit that just has all the Nicolas Cage bits, it's worth a watch. Otherwise, skip it.
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