Manner of Death (2020–2021)
Can krimi and BL go together?
21 October 2022
Only a small point is really missing from complete perfection. Otherwise, Manner of death is a perfect drama worth watching. As already mentioned in one of the reviews, crime fiction and BL don't usually go together, but that's not the case with this work. The relationship, or whatever the characters had between them, fit perfectly into the plot and without it, it might not have worked, since the situations were specially adapted to the two main characters. Unfortunately, I did not understand the chemistry between them. There were moments, or maybe rather specific scenes, where it sparkled beautifully, but then there were those where I felt like Bun was keeping the distance and actually didn't want them to continue with the relationship. Maybe that was the goal, who knows, and maybe I just missed something, that's why I don't want to deduct a too many stars since that's really probably the only thing that bothered me about the series. The rest, the story, the plot, the interweaving, the development of the whole case... Everything fit together beautifully.
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