Suits: Pecking Order (2018)
Season 8, Episode 2
I miss Mike and Rachel
24 October 2022
Katherine Heigl is the worst thing to ever happen to the show. I can't stand her or her character. If she thinks she can replace Jessica, she is highly mistaken. She sucks, and she is ruining the show. I am not sure I can deal with this b*tch for two more seasons. How come they had to make her so obnoxious?? On the other hand, I am happy that Sheila changed her mind about having a child. I already miss Mike and Rachel. They left way too suddenly. I'm suffering withdrawal. Lol. The whole dynamic has changed. I'm not crazy that they merged with Robert Zane either. And why didn't Harvey stay managing partner?? Ughhh. I hope it gets better.
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