Sometimes, Curveballs, Along the Way, Bring More Love & Understanding!
24 October 2022
Be It, Family at Home, Or His NY Yankee Team Family, it's Great To See the LOVE, on the Playing Field, and Off!!" Joe Torre's book, and this TV movie, showcased his first season, as team manager of the New York Yankees, and subsequent 1996, World Series, Championship, and with the team, and his family went through with him during the season.

Sadly, the Torre family lost his oldest brother, Rocco, 69, to a sudden heart attack, after the 1st winning game, of a double-header.

Soon after The Torre's found out that his older brother, Frank, 63, needed a heart transplant, Fast!

Frank Torre, was not only his older brother, by several years,...but Joe's Hero, in many ways!

Frank was a World Series Champ, 1st baseman, for the Milwaukee Braves in 1957, who beat the New York Yankees!! Also, Mostly, because Frank defended their mother, Margaret, and kicked their abusive father out of the house!! Frank then prepared Joe, physically, mentally, to be a ball player in the major leagues,...and a Great Hero Father Figure!

Thankfully, Joe Torre's Home Family, & Yankee Team Family, Learned to Be Closer,... and to Overcome,...even through Curveballs Along the Way,
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