Anyone with an ounce of knowledge about Warner . . .
29 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . knows that the reason they shuttered the Planet's Cartoon Palace, aka "Termite Terrace"--fired everybody and out-sourced Warner animation was to plant Chuck Jones like a Trojan Horse in the House of the Groaning Fat Cat. Chuck's secret mission was to satirize, lampoon and show up the highly over-rated Tom & Jerry franchise for the sorry lot of copycat losers they had been all along since 1940. PENT-HOUSE MOUSE is Chuck's brilliant initial foray into Tom & Jerry. The beloved director of RABBIT FIRE, DUCK A-M-U-C-K and BEEP-BEEP, Jones gave up managing Marvin the Martian to make Tom the Cat more clearly the grotesque object of ridicule he always was. Aping and simplifying the stupidly crude kindergarten animation pioneered by Joe & Bill, Chuck had his crew make Tom the Cat run with a clumsy jerky motion as if Frankenstein's monster had had a stroke. Kudos to Chuck for winning the "last laugh" contest!
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