So Encouraging for Christians 🙏🏼
29 October 2022
To begin with I wasn't sure what was going on with the singers and clips of various things. Then the film began interspaced with speakers talking about information and technology available then in 1997, and how easy it can be for the beast system to be enforced - even then.

But God is in control of time and space. Nothing happens without His permission. Amen.

How wonderful to see the late Jack Van Impe and his wife Rexella Van Impe, sharing scriptures and current event news, to confirm Bible prophecy is true and reasonable at this time in history. Fantastic. Very well thought out.

Considering this was made in 1997, I am so impressed with the content. It's now Oct 2022. We are nearer than we were then. Now is the time to turn wholeheartedly to Christ Jesus, before it's too late. To God be all the Glory.
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