Considered by all True animation fans . . .
31 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . the very worst thing ever to happen to cartoons, the over-rated, virtually humorless, poorly-drawn insidiously Anti-Social Ultra-violent Tom & Jerry franchise is further chastised by Warner Trojan Horse director Chuck Jones in the brilliantly subversive and revisionist MUCH ADO ABOUT MOUSING. By the close of this picture, Tom is revealed as such a milquetoast magnet for woe that Jerry the Vicious Vermin Bully is easily able to decoy him with a pair of ear muffs similar to those with which Tom has tried to neutralize his bulldog nemesis, and trick the milksop kitty into contorting himself and hurtling onto the seabed for another round of torture-by-crab. Jones carefully crafts this sobering Ode to Mediocrity to suppress any likelihood of eliciting chuckles from anyone with residual brain function.
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