It's hard to see why this picture is so controversial that . . .
31 October 2022
. . . only two of the dozens of reviews submitted prior to now have actually been posted. By contrast, you can page right now to see for yourself the number of user comments lingering on this site for such lesser Tom & Jerry episodes as CAT CONCERTO or MOUSE CLEANING. Maybe it's giving too much away to mention that this film involves one character said to be a cat, and another depicted as some sort of a mouse. Perhaps ANY other details are considered to be "deal breakers," in terms of having your Constitutionally-guaranteed opinion EVER see the light of day here. Sure, a viewer could go to an antique store, buy what your great-grandmother referred to as a "mimeograph machine" and--assuming you could figure out how it worked, find the right kind of ink and get it to make copies--you could make a few hundred "mimeographs" of your comment and pass them out on street corners. However, this would be both expensive and inefficient.
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