A better sequel to the first one
8 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When Enola Homes.2 was released with 5 days of being released on My Family. Cinema I was intrigued But not.having seen the first movie did a search and found it I watched it but it did not really.apeal that much to me I Disliked the 4th estate comentry (I think that's what they call it when the person addresses the viewers directly Aggravating to say the least bit the story was kind of interesting Beciase I had watched the first one Rated it 5/10 and it.did pique my.interestb and besides o like watching sequels I decided to catch the sequel As.before the 4th estate was aggravating but bearable The story.line was better this time round and I actually found it.more interesting Changing.of sexes of Moriarty was unexpected as was that of Holmes nationality Not.been racist here but when actors are swopped around to please the RIGHTEOUS brigade it throws everything out on a complete tangent But not was acceptably acceptable The historical cconection was even more interesting It was something I had never heard of On the first.movie her mother was a real tough womanist I always thought that was an20th century thing so the story.of.the Matchgirls strike made the show even more interesting In.the beginning.of.the movie it was stated that it was in parts true Now I'm one.of.those people.who don't always take things at face value I want to know more and I.love reading.the synopsis to really.get.my.head around what I have just watched So I probed farther and found the movie was actually.based on true life.events The woman did.exis the Matchgirls did.exist The Matchgirls strike did actually happen Maybe not.fully.as shown on.the movie bot close.enogh This.is.why.i upped my.rating of.this movie to 6 The 4th estate and the slowness of.the movie weighed my.opeonip down but I di like to give credit if a movie or a book sends me to research further I spent an hour just reading up more.about the events portrayed In. The movie To.me that is what.makes a book or.movie worthwhile That is what raises a.movie producer or author from being.a.mediodcre movie or book to a more inspiring one The movie is slow at times but still recomendible.
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