So, so very bad, and I love horror comedy
12 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If your main character is so unlikable as to make me want him to die in a horrible way, what are you even doing?

Unfortunately he doesn't.

We start out with a greasy douchebag who wants to start a job in upper management with no experience, and takes no initiative to find any other job.

So he moves back home to Mommy and Daddy to mooch off of them, but with an aura of being an arrogant "better than you" because he's so special having moved to the city, and is so better than all those "redneck" small town people.

So he continues to be an arrogant prick, his father is unbearably racist, and the only real likable characters are Becca and Mom.

The pacing is slow, the comedic timing is off, there are characters introduced that serve no purpose to the story, scenes that serve no purpose to the story, and I can see why this never got any traction.

Meanwhile, they spend all this time showing how horrible the Dad is with the racism, but then have a certain item stolen by the Hispanic worker.

This just feels like a film written by a whiny hipster, for whiny hipsters, and even then, they do it poorly.

This is awful, and a waste of time. And we love the horror comedy genre. And indie horror comedies are some of the best. Just not this one.
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