No seasoned viewer could fail to notice that . . .
13 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . GUIDED MOUSE-ILL would become a major influence upon director Stan Kubrick's subsequent masterpiece, 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. This earlier film is also subtitled, of course, as SCIENCE ON A WET AFTERNOON. Such alternative headings were a hallmark of Warner Brothers animated shorts, such as THE DOVER BOYS AT PIMENTO UNIVERSITY; OR, THE RIVALS OF ROQUEFORT HALL, a landmark cartoon directed by Along-Came-Jones, 25 years prior to GUIDED MOUSE-ILL and more than two decades before Warner sent Jones and the rest of their animation division to the notorious movie shack of Leo the Groaning Fat Cat on Tinsel Town's tawdry Poverty Row with the prime objective of scuttling the over-rated Tom & Jerry plagiarized series in revenge for the RHAPSODY RABBIT scandal. By the way, THE DOVER BOYS also is the primary source material for the Harry Potter series.
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