Review of The Grave

The Twilight Zone: The Grave (1961)
Season 3, Episode 7
An ensemble cast for the ages
26 November 2022
Producer Buck Houghton and Director Montgomery Pittman pulled together an amazing group of character actors (Lee Marvin not yet having become a household name) who all went on to better-known roles. Each actor has a "moment" in the episode to demonstrate his or her chops, and that's the key to making this such a strong outing by an outstanding ensemble cast. Others have discussed the plot, story origins, goofs, trivia, etc., so I won't dwell on that. When you get a chance to watch The Grave, I encourage you to focus on the performances and not necessarily on the story.

One pet peeve: just like when he portrayed "Jim Lindsey" on The Andy Griffith Show, James Best demonstrates that he doesn't have a clue how to portray someone playing a guitar.
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