Justice League: The Savage Time: Part II (2002)
Season 1, Episode 25
This arc as a whole is amazing
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wonder how many people who have a problem with Superman killing Zod in MoS love/like this episode. This is easily the most killing I've ever seen Superman do. It's like people choose to completely forget this stuff because it doesn't fit their narrative. I don't like Superman killing either but with the world/multiverse ending threats he faces there's gotta be times where he kills these threats(such as Doomsday). I don't think his killing this episode is nearly as warranted as it was in MoS or as a situation such as Brainiac or Darkseid. He was facing men who are human with just guns & planes he should've been able to disarm & detain them all within seconds but nah they depower Superman so much in this universe even when they tried to buff him up in the 2nd season and Unlimited he's still way underpowered.

Other than all that, this episode is fantastic as is The Savage Time as a whole. It's amazing to see the League fighting in tandem with WW2 soldiers against the evil and them having each others backs. This episode has an overall great sense of heroism and selflessness.
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