Curse of Bigfoot (1975 TV Movie)
How to Watch Curse of Bigfoot
19 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay I know I rated it "1", but that's only for quality. For entertainment, it's easily 8+.

Here is what to do with this hidden gem of a movie. First, watch it yourself, with someone else. WARNING: DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE ALONE. Once you realize just how terrible awful no-good very bad this thing is, you are now prepared to do it justice.

Find a group of friends. Don't tell them much about the movie. Sit back with popcorn, soda, and a free evening ahead of you. Begin watching. Now, since YOU have already seen Curse of Bigfoot you don't need to watch it closely again. Instead, watch your friends, who are fresh Curse of Bigfoot "virgins". This is the show that you will be entertained by.

Watch your friends go through the stages of grief.

First, of course Shock as they are amazed by the endless inept prologues.

Second, Denial that any movie could be so terrible. Surely they won't show the dog drink the ENTIRE bowl of milk? Why would they? Why ARE they?! Argh.

Third: Anger - with luck they'll direct the anger at the film-makers, not you. What a sham they'll think.

Fourth: Bargaining - Hey, your friends ask, "Can we see Big Trouble in Little China instead? Or Troll 2? Or ANYTHING else? I'll pay for the pizza? I'll buy you a six-pack?" Don't give in. Force them to suffer through Curse of Bigfoot, all the way.

Fifth: Depression - this won't last too long. They'll sit there glumly staring at the film's idiocy, but then the film will do something REALLY idiotic and spur them back into action.,

Six: Acceptance: This is it. It's not getting better. Point out it ends in an awesome fizzle of a bang. Remind them that we were promised at the movie's start that several of the college kids were permanently institutionalized. Ask your friends which of the kids they think were institutionalized.

To rub it in, you can point out that there is neither a Curse nor a Bigfoot in the movie. If anyone is still grouchy, make a brief trip to the backyard, then return and give Mr. Grumpy some "genuine native American prayer sticks" (if you've seen the movie, you'll know).

But by now, your friends are part of the cult. When they look at you with reproach, tell them that now they can show Curse of Bigfoot to some new unsuspecting victims, and they should perk up a lot.

This is a movie that everyone should see, because it sets the bar. The lower bar, that is. Literally everything you see after Curse of Bigfoot will be better-written, better-filmed, and better-acted. But not more entertaining.

Better than Twilight.
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