I hate musicals. I hate poor acting BUT, I love this film
21 December 2022
Lets deal with the main complaint: The singing.

It's not meant to be an opera, it's meant to be normal people singing in their heads a song for the emotion at that moment. It's not meant to be perfect, they're just normal people.

It's a feature not a bug.

If you can get past that, then I personally think this film brings all the songs to life and you empathise with the song writer's intent. If you can get past the imperfect singing then it is a joy.

Now there is a lot about this film which top notch:cinematography, set dressing, costumes and styling.

Let's not forget the choreography, which is outstanding with a few perfect flash mob style singing and dancing scenes included too.

And the plot- I dont like romantic films, but this is an interesting plot that I don't think I have seen anywhere else. That's refreshing.

I reckon the team were trying to make a 1st class film and not just going through the motions to suck up the budget.

I think the director got the best out of -trying to be gentle here- second rate actors. Poor acting, jarring acting I suppose is when the direction messed up, or could not be bothered, to get the best out of first rate actors. This team were trying to do their best. I hope I show that there is a difference.

Lets say it was a first rate effort with a big budget by the most competent local 'rep' company. It is as charming as you could imagine this would be.

The rough edges are far out weighed by truly beautiful good points.

It's a heap of fun.
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