Lost in Space: The Haunted Lighthouse (1967)
Season 3, Episode 7
Like a Bad Dream
21 December 2022
The Haunted Lighthouse is a mess. It flows like a bad dream that makes little sense. The first "dud" of Season Three.

Watch this only if you want to watch every episode.

What's wrong:

For some unknown reason, the Robinsons agree to take a scruffy Peter Pan looking alien (J-5), that Penny just met, with the on the Jupiter Two when they take off from the planet. That makes zero sense. Only Will doesn't like him.

The alien "J-5" gets my vote for one of the most irritating characters in any Lost in Space episode. He is just a strange little creepy liar. And the music (when he does something) is almost as irritating.

Colonel Fogey is a strange bumbler who gets a little to friendly with Mrs. Robinson. And Prof Robinson!

On the plus side, Dr. Smith does not act like a buffoon.
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