Lost in Space: Two Weeks in Space (1967)
Season 3, Episode 13
Absurd- Terrible Episode
26 December 2022
Two Weeks in Space is an absurd, terrible episode that is barely better than the worst Season Two examples. Watch only if you want to view every episode.

It actually starts out fairly well and has an ok finish to warrant a Rating of "2" instead of a "1".

There is not much to like. This is a very poor "Dr. Smith, Will and The Robot' episode. The story is idiotic, "Mr Zumdish (the department store guy from earlier episodes) return with aliens disguised as tourist.

Bumbling Dr. Smith turns the Jupiter Two into a hotel- Smith's Happy Acres. Zumdish arrives in a golf cart with colorful luggage. All kinds of ridiculous props are used. Where in the world did Dr. Smith get these, is anybody guess. It is idiotic beyond comprehension. Then add in some worst of The Three Stooges type gags, excessive mugging from Dr. Smith and terrible attempts at humor and you end up with this mess.
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