Lost in Space: The Flaming Planet (1968)
Season 3, Episode 22
Very Good, Could Have Been Excellent
6 January 2023
The Flaming Planet is a very good episode. Like some other Season Three episodes, it could have been excellent if some non-sense was omitted.

Dr. Smith brought an alien plant into his cabin, that continues to grow out of control. When he improperly disposes of it outside the Jupiter Two, it takes over it's exterior. As a result, the Jupiter Two is forced to enter the atmosphere of a hostile planet to remove the giant plant from it's exterior.

Yes, there is some bad science here, but that can be ignored. Major West, Dr. Smith, Will, Prof Robinson and The Robot, eventually land on the planet's to engage and disarm the alien, Sobram.

The Positives:

There is excellent balance between all the members, including a rare long conversation between Judy and Penny; Dr. Smith has several great zingers he launches at The Robot and even one at Major West! Major West and Prof Robinson have no time for Dr. Smith's usual antics and actually order him around quite a bit; The plot works very well; The alien (Sobram) is excellent, as is his headquarters; Dr. Smith actually has a rare moment of bravery when he assists Prof Robinson.

Ok, so what is the issue?:

The plant was destroyed when the Jupiter Two entered the alien planet's atmosphere. The should have been the last of it. That is all it was needed for in the story.

However, Prof Robinson discovers a duplicate of the original man-sized plant on the planet's surface. It then bounces around and makes idiotic "boinging" noises! A little later it replicates itself and then Dr. Smith starts to train the two plants for battle, with goofy looking war helmets, no less!

Why this stupidity was inserted when the plot was calling for a war between The Robot and the alien, makes no sense. Why? Why? Why?

PS: We also have a gap when after the giant plant is covering the Jupiter Two. The long exterior shots (stock footage) show no giant plant covering the Jupiter Two.
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