Weird race of spaceship entities that look like big space whales
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie tries too hard...

Tries to be deep and thought-provoking but I had trouble suspending disbelief. It's like an indie video game passing itself off as a Triple A game and falling flat on its face as it fails. I've been watching a recent run of really bad sci fi, but this one was slightly more intelligent than the rest of the bad batch I've been laughing at.

The SFX was nice. Not much there, but it looked nice. Giant living sparkle-spaceship looked nice. Not original, I've seen organic-looking ships like that many times before, but I'll give this an extra star.

It appeared the spaceships themselves were the aliens (LoL, where have I seen THAT before!). Abductees have been taken from different time periods. Some characters were far more annoying than others. There was something about a "digitised alien artificial intelligence in stasis". There was a plot device about "nanite spores". Interesting concept. I never thought microscopic machines could be like "plant spores". Maybe the ship decided to implant these in its newly-abducted biofuel so they would make better pilots. Who knows. Ship's limited AI would kill off various characters for no reason. Maybe it thought they didn't make good enough pilots? Wouldn't it screen them first before abducting them or maybe it was too dumb to do this right too?

The ship AI makes a huge effort just to get its food/biofuel. Its obvious its biological systems and ours are incompatible but it's gone to all that trouble to get the fuel (emotions!) out of the human pilots who are unknowingly controlling this giant vessel. They haven't figured out yet how to pilot the spaceship between dimensions/star systems/galaxies whatever. It looks like the spaceship was trapped in orbit around Earth, unable to go anywhere, so its been trying to genetically enhance with nanites its fuel for what seems to be hundreds of years so it can "go home" - which, BTW, is mentioned multiple times in this flick.

There's exposition, jumping back and forth in time, people stuck in one gooey, tentacle-filled room, characters dying for no reason, black slime, the Oracle from The Matrix, a "human-alien spaceship-nanite-hybrid", something about Roswell and "reverse-engineered alien technology".

When the other spaceships arrive (must be all that's left of their species!) I rolled my eyes. Siiiiigh. Not another prequel to a sequel...

Gosh, those spaceships must need new pilots too!
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