Great concept... Geeks & nerds unite!
24 January 2023
I loved the concept, which resonated loudly with me. As one that is allergic to 'physical sport' & actually any proactive exercise, and has geek & nerd tendencies in abundance, this piqued my interest. More than that, it's actually got me moving a bit.

Bravo for that alone.

The film is engaging, interesting & even has one developing a connection with the characters/subjects.

As scientific research goes, it's very limited, with the sample size so small, but there's so much existing research out there, we geeks & nerds are more likely to seek it out, because that's what we do, we just need a nudge with the right stick. And this documentary is that stick.

Is this an advert for Asics? Of course, but actually it's gently done and didn't feel cynical, unlike if it were a big pharma documentary.

I happen to like Fry and his voice, and knowing the man from his autobiographies, with his own neuro divergences and struggles with physical exercise, he's well cast for the commentary, adding credibility in spades.

Without doubt this will get some of us moving, and that will inevitably prolong lives.

Well done for a super concept well delivered.
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