The Winchesters: Hang On to Your Life (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
Ah, the Magic of Richard Speight!
26 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The episode wasn't much other than Speight. Samuel recovers from what was basically a small cut on his chest, there's a drinking game where someone chugs whenever Ada is mentioned, Latika and Carlos investigate a case. We get to see a little more of Samuel... and then he leaves. We find out a little more about Carlos' background, but other than giving him and Latika a little more background (I liked Latika's "Black Sabbath" yell), there wasn't a lot of development. Did any viewer really think Carlos was going to pick Jericho, or anyone else, to die? Or that Carlos would get killed?

Okay, Loki thought that. And the last half, when Loki stepped out from behind the curtain so to speak, was what made the episode probably the best one so far. Speight gave Loki, the "monster of the week", some personality in what has been lacking in the show's monsters so far. Even the bit at the beginning was very... Speight-ish, as he warms his hands over Brock's burning corpse.

There were some other good bits. The whole bit where Loki is teleporting around while offering Carlos "the deal" was nicely choreographed. There was some loose ends: they didn't make it very clear Jericho's hands were damaged, which kinda dulled that plot point. Loki bringing the mirror to the club and leaving it on the table seemed kinda vague. And Loki swapping with Mary was very convenient and left the puzzle of where Mary was when Loki was impersonating her. But the whole fight to Elton John's "Saturday Night is for Fighting" was good.

The climax was a bit weak just because it was predictable as I noted earlier. As is who spared Carlos and trapped Loki. Odin? God? Somebody else? But the show did pretty well as both a prequel to Speight's 'Supernatural' character (who next? A younger Crowley?) and keeping the balls in the air. Nothing really moved forward, other than the bit about the mystery man in the background of one of Samuel's photos. The Mary/Samuel/Millie thing was necessary from a storyline standpoint, but it wasn't that exciting to watch.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. What do you think?
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