Possibly the most depressing movie I've ever seen
6 February 2023
Wow! This one sure takes the cake, when it comes to depressing storylines. We first meet this young couple. Neither one has much going for them. She's in trouble at her menial job cleaning a church. He's a pizza slinger. Then things get way worse.

He's let go from his job because the restaurant where he works is closing. Se he gets his last paycheck. Now a normal person would hang on to the money and look for another job. But he decides to put the entire $250 on a cockfight. As luck would have it, the fight gets raided. On his way out, he runs across the person who has his money. He ends up stabbing the guy to get his money and hightails it.

So now he's on the lam. Well, his girlfriend ends up kidnapping a baby who lives across the alley. So both of them are on the run. And things only get worse. They make just about every bad decision you could make. It's absolutely cringeworthy. And it just keeps getting more and more depressing.

Watch this one if you want to feel lousy for the rest of the day.
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