Inside the Met (2021– )
Miss This Anti-Intellectual Propaganda
11 February 2023
I feel bad for the other suckers who put this show on expecting to visit the Met through their television. This is embarrassingly out of touch. As if the world isn't already in dire need of re-learning how to appreciate actual beauty and creative genius! The Met and other institutions like it are now just yet another arm of the phony corporate-approved globalism machine choking us all to death with sugary plastic self-hatred.

The institution we call Art with a capital A has always been vulnerable to corruption by nihilism. The kind of people attracted to the bureaucracy of art were born to miss the forest for the trees. Like a lot of our cultural linchpins in the West right now, the art world is chasing its audience away with pitchforks screaming "where are you going? You're going to put me-ME!-out of a job if you don't think how I tell you!"
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