They DID NOT save the best for last (and it's not even the FINAL nightmare).
12 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare, the sixth installment of the Nightmare on Elm Street series and once again another bad sequel. I think this is tied up with the last sequel of the Dream Child. I was lucky enough to get the Nightmare on Elm Street series box DVD set for my birthday, so i got to see all the sequels. May I say that I'm just getting more and more disappointed though with these sequels, at least the past two, it seems like Freddy lost his edge. It's almost like the writers were trying to give Freddy a soul and they're just destroying it instead of reinventing the story. This was a sequel that wasn't needed, sorry to Robert Englund, but this was very much below what Freddy Krueger represents.

Freddy is back, but he's got something we don't know about, a daughter. Maggie, she's not aware that he is her father, but soon finds out what his dark secrets are and he wants her help. She has to do her best to resist his powers, but it's hard with all the good memories she was of her loving father. Ironic, isn't it? But Freddy isn't giving up without manipulating her into ways.

Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare is also presented in 3-D radical, huh? Note that sarcasm. This is one of the worst sequels, it's tied up with the fifth sequel of the Nightmare on Elm Street series, I'd rather watch the second Nightmare on Elm Street to be honest. This just had bad acting, stupid ending, and just over all a bad idea for a story. I didn't like the concept of it and it just ruined the whole of who Freddy Krueger really is, the death master of nightmares, not Father Knows Best.

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