Nice Landscape
13 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sun Dust Stones... And a snake... it bites...

and 2 Indians who don't know how to handle a snake bite... really'???

And one of the indian hunters aims to sharp shoot the hunted indian, but he was elswhere, looking for medecine. The hunter could not differentiate a man in shirt, pants and boots from a woman in long white dress.

Oh come on, what is the IQ of the writers to think we can accept .. For the sake of dramatization, but very poorly staged.

Take some lessons with Tarantino.

Or were they really that primitive a century ago?

Stupid people reacting stupid talking stupid.

Once in a while an intelligent dialogue.

The acting is so poor, so wrong, meaningless, so flat, without tone and originality.

I liked the landscape.

But then again, why was it shot in 4/3 aspect ratio?

Landscape is supposed to be large, not in the form of a portrait.

So much decisions in this movie are wrong, or bad, and if they wanted to tell the story of Willie Boy to give him credit, they did it in the most disrespectful way... If I was Willie Boy, I would haunt them the rest of their life!

The only merit of a bad movie is that it makes me do some research, now I need to watch the old classic with Robert Redford.

Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here.

Hopefully it will erase the bad memory this film has brought to me about Willie Boy and Carlota.
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