Decent watch for an unpleasant topic
13 February 2023
I agree with the '2' (rating's) review of the details of the documentary and how it played out. I also share their passionate interest in all things from NK for the psychology of it all. I agree with their viewpoint that this proved that both sides of the war had propaganda ridden results they shared with their people. But I don't agree that it rose to the level of political indoctrination from Colin Powell School for Civic & Global Leadership.

I think it showed continued examples of how the NK govt's propaganda works to stifle their people's human need for rebellion at just the right time in their lives. It also demonstrated how closely they still monitor for intrusions, via these guided tours, as the previous reviewer stated that she was told to stop filming but yet managed to continue to film (or maybe it wasn't hers?).

I learned things about the US' version of what happened and saw some new info about the NK famine. It wasn't as revealing as others I've seen, but still worth it, imo.
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