Worthy of Your Time
19 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
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This was a compelling character study of what occurs when a child is neglected and abandoned in a place that he's unfamiliar with, with no family for support, both emotionally and financially. When that unfamiliar place is a heartless, competitive and unforgiving city called New York City, it's tough to survive. Literally survive. Here it is we find Aleksandr, a Russian illegal immigrant whose situation goes from bad to worse to unbearable. His mom dragged Aleksandr and his sister to NY, so she could try and find their father; her husband. She blamed Aleksandr's birth as the reason he split, tells that to the troubled boy and prompting commits suicide. Sister runs off, taking the family's assets, and leaving Aleksandr to fend for himself. What to do? He asks his only acquaintance, Emma for help. She directs him to a guy so he can find gainful employment. The guy recognizes Aleksandr's good looks and sex appeal and hires him as a poll dancer in a gay club. He ends up sleeping with a patron of the club for intimacy and maybe a relationship. Instead he's handed $500 and he's a professional. A male prostitute. He looks for a regular job with no success. He continues earning his living selling his body. A couple guys around his age invite him to hangout with them and they spike his drinks with the date rape drug and wakes up on the street vomiting. They threw him out like trash and he begins to think he is trash. The spiral downward continues as he takes on more risky jobs and ends up raped again, this time by an older fellow he found on Craig's List, who had him dress up like a woman, drugs him and throws him onto the sidewalk after using him. Can Aleksandr survive? The price for you to find out is 103 minutes of your time. I'd say for many it's a good value, for others maybe not so much. Twenty six year old Pau Masó is credited as writer, director, editor and producer. Mr Masó also plays the title role of Aleksandr. An impressive first debut for this young man, who was born in Spain and includes entrepreneur and model on his resume.
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