Review of Crocodile

Black Mirror: Crocodile (2017)
Season 4, Episode 3
Pure evil, redefined
22 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best episodes of Black Mirror despite the low ratings.

One way to understand it is to look at events backwards. Start by the crime scene of a man and his baby being murdered at home, and knowing that the mom was killed just a few hours before that. Who's that monster that can do something like that? But what if I told you that "the monster" was for the most part of her life a friendly and peaceful loving mother, a productive law-abiding member of the society? That would be hard to believe.

Not all these monsters in society were born that way. People can change, and can react very poorly to circumstances they're put in.

Black Mirror often displays the potential negative effects of future technology on life ahead, but in this episode it may have been more forgiving of that. The technology that triggered Mia to commit the murders is the same technology that got her arrested at the end.
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