Review of Attachment

Attachment (2022)
Not a bad horror film
27 February 2023
Certainly a must watch film for fans of the genre. The casting, cinematography, acting, scores and writing are all very good. There were only a couple things which held it back from being a true great.

The first is that despite that it's a horror movie with an 18+ rating it isn't very scary at all. There are some good creepy elements here and there and the mood gets rather spooky from time to time but it never comes close to a full follow through and give you any dread or fear that you might come to expect with these types of films. Instead it's replaced with an element of mystery which does do a pretty good job of keeping you interested but very far away from being horrified.

The next thing I took issue with is despite the frequency of sex scenes, you never see any 18+ nudity - now I'm not saying that from the viewpoint of one who seeks out films filled with cheap pornographic material from plastic actresses. The camera work, lighting and makeup takes a very cinematic approach - the actresses are made to look like real people you could encounter in the street - they have laugh lines and blemishes, their makeup isn't always done and their hair doesn't always look perfect but yet they are quite attractive none the less. It all comes together to create a sense of realism that's quite submersible and effective. But watching numerous sex scenes unfold without seeing a bare behind or even a bare breast make an appearance but instead two people making love and staying unnaturally fully covered I found created contrast to the otherwise realistic and raw tone the rest of the film seemed to adhere to. In short it just seemed out of place and offbeat and gave the feeling of something being missing from the experience.

While the twist at the end was predictable and formulaic it didn't conclude the film in the exact way that I was expecting so i'll award half points for its conclusion. All in all I would certainly recommend that genre fans give it a watch - while it's not very scary it also doesn't rely on cheap jump scares and instead gives an honest effort towards creating a good atmospheric mystery with some horror elements and it's certainly worth your time.
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