Bones: The Repo Man in the Septic Tank (2014)
Season 9, Episode 17
Bones needs to chill out
3 March 2023
One issue I have had with Dr Brennan is she is way too antagonistic. As far as at work, she would be considered a toxic boss in real life. The Jeffersonian would be getting sued all the time over how toxic she can be towards her interns and other people she works with. She acts like she is everybody's boss. In terms of her personal life, she has always been antagonistic towards religion. I would have thought once her and Booth got together she would have been more accepting of Booth's beliefs but it is like she always has to mock his faith. She is married to a devout Catholic who wants their daughter brought up in The Church to expose her to his faith and allow her to eventally decide what she believes in and Bones is very much opposed to that. She needs to learn to compromise and not always have to have her own way. She needs to be more respectful of her husbands beliefs instead of always mocking his faith as if it is a joke. In reality, this would put them in couples therapy and the therapist would tell her she needs to be more respectful and not resort to mocking her husbands faith and learn to make compromises. If she refuses, Booth would be well within his rights to divorce her and sue for custody as she is very verbally and emotionally abusive.
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