Well done!
8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why I thought this was gonna be a mediocre flick, but upon realizing it was directed by Alexander Aja, the man behind the great Haute Tension, I knew I was in for at least something of a ride! Still, it exceeded my expectations quite a bit, this is a very well made horror film, considering not only it's lesser contemporaries (I watched Wrong Turn when I was 13 and even then I thought it was dumb), but the fact that it's a remake, which is usually a recipe for disaster.

Some of the credit needs to go Wes Craven's way, who made the original (which I haven't seen mind you) and acts here as a producer. I've never been a fan of his classics, most likely because I'm too young, but I knew the original was a celebrated film, and I expect his involvement didn't hurt this remake.

What resonated with me most of all was not, as one might expect from a horror fan, the brutality, wonderful as it is. It was the level of humanity in each of the characters, the relative depth of their emotions within the bounds of the story. I don't know how directors manage to create likable and relatable characters in slasher films, when half of them always seem to get killed off before the 30-minute mark! Albeit most don't, but Aja nails it, and it's in great part because of the stellar cast.

Dan Byrd in particular gives a breathtaking performance and, even though I realize the stigma surrounding the whole "scream queen" cliché, Emilie de Ravin sells the trauma and terror on another level.

If I have to direct a criticism, it would be that I was amazed at how the dogs, when in proximity to the bad guys that is, were at one point barking and thrashing uncontrollably, and at another point impressively well trained, docile and quiet. This of course depending on what the plot needed them to do! But it's a minor plot-hole, it's probably a leftover from the original, and they even kinda make up for it at one point.

All in all, the sum of these parts make a very solid horror picture, it's gory, but not self-indulgent, it's creepy, it's thrilling and at times utterly disturbing.

Finally, don't you dare say it's a Tobe Hooper ripoff, if anything it's a wonderful homage, Craven said so himself!
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