Pterodactyl (2022)
12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with a yellow VW and a couple of girls going out to get rid of the negative energy of Lyn's (Danielle Scott) past relationship with Kyle. She walks into the wood with her friend (Chelsea Greenwood) oblivious of the large shadows and screeches overhead until the director wants them to hear them. Lyn survives, her friend becomes food. After four days her sister (Sarah Alexandra Marks) comes to look for her with an army of normally unemployable "actresses" lead by Chrissie Wunna. The locals call the poorly done CGI pterodactyls, wyvern.

The film answers the basic question of what to do in case of pterodactyls. Run fast seems to work the best as opposed to playing dead and hitting it in the nose. The acting and special effects move into the much needed improvement category. It seems the wyvern are native to the area and has formed a symbiotic relationship with the locals who feed them other humans. Lyn after 4 days out in the woods, hobbling on a bum leg suffers no effects from hunger or dehydration.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. One girl claims she thought she was spied on while in the shower. We see neither. Female directors.
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