A waste of time, don't bother
14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this on Netflix and while it wasn't produced by Netflix if might as well have been because it checks off all the boxes for one of their "documentaries"; give a bunch of air time to people who have no idea what they're talking about while giving real experts very little time or none at all and then throw a bunch of nonsense at the viewer without presenting anything that's even remotely viable in solving the mystery.

They spend some time, not as much as they should have, documenting the actual event. And then they provide far too much air time to a variety of self proclaimed experts and all around fools that allows them to present their idiotic "theories" in great detail. My favorite was the French woman who is supposedly an investigative journalist who went into great detail about her galactically stupid theory about the plane being shot down. Of course she has absolutely no proof and her narrative is sprinkled with worlds like "maybe" and "possibly" and phrases like "they may have" and "it might have happened this way". Her basic premise is absurd on it's face but that doesn't slow her down a bit.

Then there's the American "aviation journalist" who has his own theory that, while different than the French woman's, is just as foolish.

It goes on from there; the Russians did it, the Chinese did it, the Americans did it, all for various reasons. No, wait, the pilot did it...I was waiting for someone to blame it on aliens! I'm really surprised they didn't include that in this series because I'm sure someone out there has proposed it and it's just as plausible as the other half-baked theories they gave much airtime to here.

They did interview a few real actual experts as well though they got far less airtime than the conspiracy idiots did because they're just not as entertaining and facts are so boring you know. One of them summed this series up with one sentence; "theories are like as#$*oles, everyone has one".

Don't waste your time. There are a few other documentaries about this incident that are far better than this trip down the rabbit hole. A waste of time. Don't bother....
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