16 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I* gave this show a chance because of Misha Collins. I loved him in Supernatural. I think he's a genuinely nice person and I really wanted to see him acting again. Unfortunately The CW has talentless nitwits running the show. Hey let's make a show where the most interesting character is dead from the beginning. Let's focus on disposable dull characters that no one has ever heard of. Let's make-up a new character and just say Batman adopted him... Dick Grayson who? Jason Todd who? Damien Wayne who? There's literally 6 or 7 existing characters who played Robin, but I think fans will simply adore our lifeless Turner Hayes character. You know what guys,m we should make this really "dark". You mean like spooky or noir-like? No, just use dark backgrounds & clothes, it'll be a hoot. I can not watch one more of these stupid CW shows targeting young adults. It's as if the CW thinks young adults are absolutely dumb, because the writing form this series is laughable. Gotham City finally learns who Batman is and yet no one cares. The police certainly don't care, they don't even bother investigating this further. Bruce Wayne was a most wanted vigilante in Gotham for years and yet GCPD Detectives go "Oh he was Batman? Okay." and grab another coffee. Seriously? They apprehend the suspects for the murder of Bruce Wayne, throw them all in a cell together and call it an night. What world do these writers live in? They generated a combination of bland dialogue and lifeless characterizations. I'm calling it. This is the last DC series we will ever see on the CW ever again. They ruin everything they touch.
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