Butterfly (1975)
After seeing both the edited and the 1: 30 minute version
3 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(1975) Butterflies/ Butterfly DRAMA

Written and directed by Joseph W. Sarno that has bored farm girl, Denise (Marie Forså) with her aunt and uncle yearns to be out of farming and get more involve into fashion modelling. And once her current boyfriend, Freddy (Eric Edwards) tells her he wants to finish his studies first, she then decides to pack a little suitcase and head to Munich. She does this by hitching rides, sometimes enticing drivers to stop showcasing some extra skin. One happens to be an overweight underwear salesman before she ditches him, hitches a ride with a nightclub owner, named Frank (Harry Reems), and it is during then she begins to realize she is being used, with the help of Frank's lesbian assistant Ruth (Nadia Henkowa) just as any other woman or lady Frank gets in touch with.

I just like, saw the name on an online movies sites and this film happened to be available without any preconceived notion of what it's about, and noticed that the running time was 1 hour and 11 minutes. And when it was over as there was some boring parts, it was not much of a movie, which the make out scenes may be supposedly to be some of the main highlights, except that the version that I saw those make out scenes were very toned down, and shortened as soon as I found out that the original running time was supposed to be 1 hour and 52 minutes. That's more than 40 minutes that was cut out to avoid the "X" rated version to be shown. The story was still there despite the cuts.

********************************************************************** (1975) Butterfly/ Butterflies ADULT DRAMA

I just finished seeing the 1:30 minute version, but I had to resort watching it on a different format as this was not even available on DVD. And if you are unaware about the synopsis, there is one except that when you watch the 1:30 minute version, the message or the theme can be overshadowed by the graphic make out scenes. When I watched the heavy edited 1:11 version the message was clearly evident. Anyways, upon seeing this version, it showed three out of the four young women Frank made out with, but not the dancer Winnie which I thought was the most attractive of them all. The movie showed lots of Denise (Marie Forså) since she was the main star, and then theirs Denise and then finally Lorina I can't seem to find their actual names on database.
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