Review of The Cloud

Star Trek: Voyager: The Cloud (1995)
Season 1, Episode 5
The Cloud
3 April 2023
The episode opens with Captain Janeway pondering how she could boost morale in the ship. Neelix's cooking does not help matters.

Captain Janeway cannot even get a decent cup of coffee from the replicators. The ship needs to preserve power.

However a nebula the Voyager encounters offers hope. It could replenish the ship's energy resources.

Only when they go through the nebula, Voyager ends up damaging it. The nebula was a living organism. Now having lost some of the ship's power reserves, Voyager needs to go back and repair the entity.

This story is an example why Star Trek: Voyager is not held in high regard. After the ship gets in peril. The action switches to Paris and Harry Kim in the holodeck. It recreates a sleazy Parisian bar. It just felt so random.

Hold on, the ship does not have enough power to make a cup of coffee. Then they lost more of the power reserves but Paris and Kim randomly end up going to the holodeck..

Neelix is irritating by complaining to Captain Janeway about being in peril. Later he storms into the Bridge and proclaims himself as a morale officer.

Tuvok does not help matters when he chastised Kim for saying he had never seen anything like it when Voyager enters the nebula.
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