Review of Auto-Tune

This Is Pop: Auto-Tune (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
I don't hate T-Pain anymore
19 April 2023
I'm only on the 2nd episode of this series, but this episode taught me a hell of a lot. I've disliked (no, let's be honest, hated) T-Pain since he came out. I still don't enjoy auto-tuned vocals (unless done really well) as it comes off as super corny, and, as a (non-professional) musician, I don't like using it.

This episode definitely changed my view though. My hate (which I shouldn't have had in the first place, since there was a lot of knowledge lacking) has completely dissipated.

It can be embarrassing, but the humiluty felt after the awareness of everything surrounding auto-tuning (how it was made, how it was used, how it's being used now, and the vast creativity of musicians / mankind) was a welcomed feeling.

We're always so quick to judge + hate (as it's so easy, and makes us feel good about ourselves, moronically), that we block out all the incredible wonder too. I found myself relating to T-Pain as a basic human being as well.

I still don't like T-Pain's older stuff, as commercial pop has never been, and will never be my thing, but I definitely don't hate (him, and in general) anymore, and I'm going to enjoy the rest of this series, excited to having my eyes + mindset opened up a lot more.
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