Review of Head of State

Head of State (2003)
Head of State (2003)
19 April 2023
What should I expect, eh? Well, it's not the complete travesty that say... a Dana Carvey-starred movie is. Chris Rock's "directorial debut". Ugh, another bad movie about running for president. A comedy, tee hee hee. This woulda been MUCH better if they made the movie as if Rock was ALREADY President and how HE runs the presidency, etc. Etc. How stupid can they be not to start there instead of 'he's running for President'? Oh, and Tracy Morgan's in it, no less than six minutes into the film. And then... he's gone. For most all of it. Yay, pay day for a friend. Lots of moments making white people try to act and dance like black people. Hee Hee, that was terrifically funny and innovative... when 'The Flip Wilson' show did it more than 30 YEARS AGO!!!

Ditch this and go straight to 'The Best of Chris Rock on SNL' on DVD!
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