Star Trek: Picard: The Last Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
Not the best finale, but okay
22 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For me, this was an okaish finale for a good (not great) season. I try to review this in context of other great shows, so there is no way I can go with 10 points for this. I do not understand the hyperole here (and general in fandoms). Why are there so many extreme ratings? No way this is the best or worst show ever. And this season had better episdoes than this. Is nobody else seing this as a linear scale? I too want to express that I like this much more than most of the other NuTrek, but I try to stay realistic.

This episode basicaly went with the obvious conclusion - destroy the beacon, save the galaxy. Very basic, but nothing wrong with it. But I am not a fan of the execution. Going into the cube Falcon-like ist not just an extremely blunt copy, it is also just dump with this big ship. The E was never this maneuverable. And why is there always a coridor that makes it easy to destroy the doomsday machine? The shot of the D hovering over the queen chamber was silly and it doesn't help that they spent zero time on explaining how Deana found them. So was the queen hanging around there the whole time, just feasting of drones? When did the cube arive there, did nobody spot it? Is this the ship from endgame? I realy have to rewatch Endgame and the last two parts of S3 in tandem again, I guess. What's up with the changelings? Was the whole great link involved? What happend to hand-turned-floating-flesh-face? So this is the problem with the mystery box format... For 80% of the season you just don't care and try to wow everyone with open threads, and then you do not have enough time to resolve it in a good way at the end. Also the fight of the Titan against the fleet was just rediculous (and why did the ships stay on a 2D plane forming borg symbols?) and the explanation why the cloaking device helped them to block the "line of sight" signal didn't land with me. Why rename the Titan into the E? This would make sense if anyone of the old Gang was the captain, or if this was supposed to be the flagship, which it surely isn't.

But I really liked the interplay between the characters, as in most episodes of this season. More time on the D, a bit of bantering (although not always in the right situations), this was again priceless. And this is the reason why I still give 7 points despite my criticism. The end was a bit long, but it was ok and after that I was realy ready to let them go.

But then we get a nice mid credit scene, that basically continues the trend of this whole season - just ignore what happened in the travesty that was season 2 - hilarious :-)
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