Review of Last Resort

Last Resort (2022)
Beautiful Story
24 April 2023
"Last Resort" is a touching and thought-provoking film that explores the power of love and human connection in the face of death. The movie follows the story of two hospice residents, Dan and Robyn, who are both terminally ill and decide to play matchmaker to their respective spouses in the hope that they will find companionship and support after they pass away. However, things don't go as planned when they both start to fall in love with each other.

Director Kevin Taylor has done an excellent job of balancing the heavy themes of the movie with moments of humor and lightness, creating a story that is both engaging and moving. The film offers a sensitive and empathetic portrayal of hospice care, highlighting the importance of providing comfort and support to those who are facing the end of their lives.

The cast of the movie delivers strong performances, with Nick Smyth and L. A. Sweeney shining in the lead roles of Dan and Robyn, respectively. Smyth brings depth and nuance to his portrayal of Dan, capturing the character's struggle with his illness while also conveying his resilience and determination to find happiness in his final days. Sweeney, on the other hand, delivers a nuanced and emotional performance as Robyn, who is initially hesitant about the plan to set her up with Christine's husband but eventually comes around to the idea.

The supporting cast of the movie also delivers solid performances, adding depth and dimension to the film's world. The production values are also top-notch, with beautiful cinematography and a haunting musical score that help to create a mood of melancholy and introspection.

Overall, "Last Resort" is a moving and thought-provoking film that offers a powerful meditation on love, life, and death. It is a must-see for anyone who is interested in exploring the complexities of the human condition and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Directed by Kevin Taylor and produced by Padlock Production, "Last Resort" is a testament to the power of independent cinema to tell important and emotionally resonant stories.
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