Nightmare in Badham County (1976 TV Movie)
Don't let the poster fool you, it's not even close to an explotation flick
28 April 2023
(1976) Nightmare in Badham County DRAMA/ SUSPENSE

Initially made for TV, but now available for rental with extra scenes that can give this film a "R" rating. Stars Deborah Raffin and Lynne Moody as college Co-eds Cathy Phillips and Diane Emery going on a road trip. They're then stopped, confronted and then harassed by a monstrous racist sheriff named Danen (Chuck Conners) who happens to be related to the judge and mayor which anyone with a brain would know that anyone family who have that much authority and connections of any city are going expect total abuse of proper authority. The atrocities depicted in this movie is reminiscent of many sleazy and cheap 'women in prison' films except that when viewers watch this, they're thinking they're going to see the two best looking actresses naked at some point and are going to see other girls naked instead, which is nothing wrong with that except that their not as good looking as Raffin and Moody which an obvious body double was being used on scene. The acting is quite atrocious with inconsistencies involving the amount of women outnumbering the sadistic guards and wardens which they could've taken over with a protest. And the ending was totally uncalled for too, giving viewers the assumption that it was based on fact which the idea may have derived from an actual incident, but that the actual infliction's are totally fiction.
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