The boredom squad would fine the writers big time
17 May 2023
I'd love to say this show was good, captivating worth the watch etc... But it's not. Far from it.

It's superficial, un-engaging, of an appalling banality. There's nothing here you haven't seen a 1'000 times before.

There's a new "con" in every episode, each one less clever and credible than the other, the long story ark (if you can call it that) is sluggish, sloppy at best. Predictable on every level.

With the many inventive shows on offer nowadays, both in terms of substance and form, this one looks dated, brings absolutely nothing to the table.

We've seen so many series just like this one 10-15 years ago, I don't think you can expect a 2023 audience to feel enticed by it.

I like Milo and the rest of the cast, but unfortunately it's not enough to keep me hooked.
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