The Twilight Zone: A Piano in the House (1962)
Season 3, Episode 22
True nature
18 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting episode that asks the question are we who we show the world or what is under the surface?

We learn about various characters from of all things a player piano bought by a theater critic named Fitzgerald Fourtune that thinks he's smart and witty but is just cruel and obnoxious. Depending on the music that is played it will reveal more than we see from each a character.

Starting with the store owner who seems blase and impatien becoems friendly and helpful but returns to his more dour demanour when the music stops .

Next up the most amusing reveal and extremely sober faced butler played by Cyril Delevanti who has the perfect face for this suddenly is dancing and singing and laughing when a certain peace of music is played .We seehow he can continue working for such a man he actually find Fortune funny! He's unbothered by all the insults he hurls at everyone including himself! But reverts back when the music stops. Fortune knows what he can do with this piano and will will have an audence at his wife's birthday party but not before he gets a earful of what she really thinks of him when he plays a different piece of music. She is far from the docile persona she projects she is just as good at hurling insults as he is but it's probably more that it's only for him not everyone. We see later she is more clever than he ever knew.

The guests start arriving one who is not only a playwright that Fortune gives bad reviews to but is having and affair with Fortune's wife Esther .Foruntune plays music that has the young playwright proclaing his love for Esther .Fortune is surprised he knew about them.

Finally Fortune cruelly plays a piece that shows a friendly and likable woman who is also hefty . She would be an exquisite ballet dancer he's getting too much fun out of this and want to continue. He gives Esther another one to play but she switches it and he is the one making confessions twlling how he is jelous and afraid and that's why he strikes out at others. It's meant to be that he's just a baby or child but it's really more like a bully who's been exposed .Everyone including Esther he's admitted he shouwl have given the plays good reviews and he's jealous of Marge (the overwight woman ) because people love her and she them. Only the butler remains butler but not laughing he tells Fourtune he isn't funny anymore.

The big flaw isn't how the music brings out true nature it will do that in real life but in a less TZ way it's how everyone knows which piece will tear the mask of each person.

We are probably all a combination of what we show others and what we don't reveal so easily but it's an interesting episode. A little more could have been done with the learing about more than one aspect of the person but for a half hour format it's pretty well done.
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