Review of Jurassic World

Like the Alien Movie -- How Many Times Can You Tell the Same Story?
28 May 2023
Hollywood is particularly cynical and has been for a long time. They figure if they reheat the same leftovers, people will show up again and again. The sad thing is they're mostly right, at least with the simple minded among us.

You've seen everything in Jurassic World before, only better. And while this film is miles ahead of the weird, unhappy one after, it's miles behind the first one. Chris Hemsworth or Pratt or whatever his name is is every generic Hallmark movie type you've seen before. His character is all action, little brains, but in a movie this dumb, that still makes him the smartest character onscreen. He's joined by Ron Howard's daughter -- you know, a nepo baby -- as the manly PR person with the big caboose. They're like an over-the-hill prom couple, so nauseating together you'd think you really were watching a Hallmark movie.

What else is there to say? It's the same plot as the last three, which is to say the humans think they're in control and the dinosaurs still manage to get free and wreak havoc. There's nothing in here that is remotely fresh, with the possible exception of some particular cruelty to an office drone who, while annoying, still doesn't deserve her fate. The director, Colon Trevennanananaeasoh seems to delight in how she gets dispatched.

There's a couple of annoying kids, too, but then all of these movies have that. The movie also walks a line between being a "serious" monster movie and camp, such as when we see the fullback Howard run down a puddle-strewn alley in her heels.

The usual special effects are here, but somehow not particularly special. There are few scares but the movie pretends like it has more. I'd hoped after this one they'd make no more -- I mean, why ruin the legacy of what was one pretty good movie, one so-so movie, and one underwhelming movie? But, no, they just had to do another one and then one more. I guess if the only thing on the menu is franks and beans, that's what people are going to buy.
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