BlackBerry (2023)
Cinematic mediocrity
3 June 2023
Despite all the rave reviews, for me this film was mediocre at best. The characters were one-dimensional, the actors did a lot of scenery chewing without generating much interest in the story, the script was facile and superficial, the camera work was typical of low-budget productions with lots of protracted jerky hand-held shots. Ultimately, I found it difficult to empathize with any of the characters (I could never get past the thought that I was watching actors), and eventually I lost interest in the outcome altogether. Which is a shame actually, because there is a fascinating story buried in this misfire. Better attention to the script and casting, and better production values, might have helped. But I think this is one instance where a well-made documentary, with interviews, archival footage, etc. Might be a better way to tell the story.
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