Review of Old

Old (2021)
This movie isn't anywhere near close to the disaster people make it out to be.
6 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Somewhere along the line I'd say around 2013 or so M. Night Shyamalan because the Director to hate just because it was trendy. That was around the time people were starting to realize the "influence" of the internet and how they could use that influence to make mass groups of people think a certain way about something without any real valid reason to do so. M. Night Shyamalan was one of those victims of that. For a while it seemed no matter what movie he put out it would get bashed.

It seemed for me to start with "After Earth" that was getting bombed by people before anyone had even seen the film. The film wasn't even out yet an already people were disliking it. Then that sort of attitude carried towards pretty much anything M. Night Shyamalan directed.

Personally I have always enjoyed his movies as he seems to try approaching movies with a completely different angle and when you start breaking the story down there is quite a lesson to be found in it. I appreciate directors who are innovative vs. Someone like a Tarintino that just makes the same movie over and over again while stealing themes and ideas from old movies.

So with all that in mind I'm always interested in seeing just what his films are going to be about. One thing about his movies is that the characters always seem to have quirky dialogue, stiff almost autistic like interactions and clashing of expectations.

Old takes much of those elements and you either end up enjoying or disliking the movie based off that. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and in Old it's a mixed bag. The dialogue of the characters seems very stiff and awkward and it makes you feel like you're watching a movie rather than being captivated by a movie but the story is very interesting and that's what sells you on it.

I've read quite a few of the negative reviews and positive reviews and most of the negative reviews for this movie seem to have people complaining about things that were actually explained in the movie. A thing about M. Night Shyamalan's movies is that you might need to see it more than once or really just pay attention because there's a lot of non obvious details that you might not catch.

In Old families are being selectively targeted for vacations to a tropical resort island. Once there they find themselves in a situation they would rather not be in. The resort is not a resort but instead a pharmaceutical company that has found a naturally occurring phenomenon that causes cellular activity to expedite in living creatures. They use this phenomenon which is isolated to a beach front as a way to test drugs on people who have illness. All of the adults brought to the beach have an illness or condition but the Children do not and aren't given any medication. The medication that the adults are given seems to effect them in difference ways but mainly their bodies don't seem to age as fast while the children who aren't given anything seem to age faster. The purpose of these drug test are to find various cures and treatments for the conditions that the various adults invited to the island have. Instead of their bodies aging as rapidly their conditions they suffer from age rapidly instead but they look relatively the same as they're aging but only slower than the island would normally allow them too because the scientist need them to live long enough to study the results of the medications they're testing.

The Dog, The Old Lady, The Baby all died because the time increase affected them normally. The goal of the project was to kill off any witnesses part of the project by trapping them in the time phenomenon zone but to study the test subjects who their medications had been given to for as long as they could before they eventually died from the time increase as well.

In the time area organic materials were effected by the time phenomenon. Even decomposing bodies would be turned to dust but things like utensils, books, toys, sunglasses etc. Weren't disturbed by the time phenomenon.

There is one hint in the movie about how the group could have avoided being effected by the time...well actually there is two. There is a scene where the pregnant girl (right before we find out she is pregnant) opens a cooler filled with food that is insulated in foil. The food has not spoiled as it is basically shielded from the time effect phenomenon.

Later on the boy and his sister discover a book where someone had written in notes and theories about the island. Where one of those theories is to use metal to shield themselves from the time effect.

The boy decides that if they can find metal that they can use that as a shield but that idea never goes anywhere.

In the end of the movie the Boy and girl escape through Coral tunnel which has become a natural shield against the time effect.

These types of solutions in a M. Night Shyamalan movie are what you're supposed to be wondering about. Why did the dead coral protect them? Just like why did the water hurt the aliens in Signs and why did "grass" and "plant life" make people go crazy in that one movie of his I can't remember right now.

There's always some sort of ecological lesson in M. Knight Shayamalan's movies. I think in this one it was supposed to be that the Coral was helping to protect people from this cellar aging phenomenon and since the coral was dead it in some ways represents the current state of Coral reefs in jeopardy at a lot of these tropical resorts and places and that's supposed to be the real "make you think" shocker.

It just didn't work out that way because the movie wasn't written that well.
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