Great action and a delightful revenge.
12 June 2023
Great action and a delightful revenge.

The movie made good use of cool action and tense stories, and even portrayed a thrilling revenge play.

The movie starts with a couple's first overseas trip and captures the wonderful natural scenery of Cebu. This gives visual pleasure to those who have lived their lives trapped by Corona.

And you meet someone who is in the daytime... It's a kind but somewhat reluctant man. He is friendly to the couple and claims to be a travel friend, but is infinitely violent to the natives of Cebu, that is, those who don't have money.

(As expected, people need to check their attitude toward the weak.)

In the first half of the movie, the couple only doubts about the kind but reluctant man, but in the second half, they find out for sure that he is a bad guy, and they are chased for justice without turning a blind eye to their mistakes.

Happiness changes in an instant from a dream travel destination to a place where you have to escape alive, which adds to the fun of the movie.
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